Upkast for iPad
Easily access your accounts at Dropbox, box.net, Google Docs, Facebook Photos, flickr, and Picasa from one application.
Viewing Files - You can view your photos, documents, music, and videos from different services, right on your iPad.
Offline Access - You can download files from any of your added services to your iPad and access them anywhere, even when you don't have Internet.
Sharing - Sharing files from any of your services is as easy as pressing a button to send an email attachment.
Download Web Content - With the Upkast iPad app you can also download and save content from any website. Press the "Download From Web" button on the top left corner of the screen to open a web browser, which allows you to download content from the web to your iPad.
Online Access - Don't have your iPad nearby? No problem, just log on to http://www.upkast.com/login to access all your files.